How the conversion works
The conversion relies on a common data model. The input files are parsed into the internal data model. The data can then be exported into several different formats.
- Excel spreadsheets
eNanoMapper has developed doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.165 a configurable Excel parser (, enabling import of NanoSafety Cluster Excel templates. The configuration metadata for the parser is defined in a separate file, mapping the custom spreadsheet structure into the internal eNanoMapper storage components. More details on the parser, the configuration file syntax , how to convert between data formats and how to import into the database.
eNanoMapper has developed a working prototype of a utility to export assay data from the eNanoMapper database into ISA-JSON format version 1. Where export to the older ISA-TAB format is needed, ISAtools can be used to convert both to and from the ISA-JSON to ISA-TAB formats. More information on ISA-JSON export.
- Semantic formats
RDF export following BioAssay Ontology data model is also available. See how to convert between data formats.