OpenTox API : Ontology service
Provides storage and standard SPARQL endpoint search functionality for objects, defined in OpenTox services and relevant ontologies.
Documentation, Representation, Examples
- Query : can be sent by GET or POST, according to, or more specific the HTTP Binding
curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ -d "query=the-sparql-query-url-encoded" \ -H "Accept:application/rdf+xml" -H "subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN
- Resource registration - send via POST of a web form, with a field uri, containing the uri of the registered resource. The resource should return application/rdf+xml representation, otherwise it will not be registered. The security token is optional (depending on whether the resource is protected).
curl -X POST -d "uri=http://host2:8080/ambit2/dataset/1" http://host1:8080/ontology \ -H "subjectid:SECURITY-TOKEN"
Results are returned in several formats, depending on the HTTP Accept header.
- application/sparql-results+xml
- text/html
- text/n3
- text/csv
- text/plain
- Example 1. Retrieve list of features, representing Estrogen receptor gene assay from ToxCast Phase 1 datasets:
We will be using the predefined SPARQL query at
curl -H "Accept:text/plain" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Feature | title | OpentoxDataset | assay | genename | ============================================================================================================================================================================== | <> | "NVS_NR_hER" | <> | toxcast:NVS_NR_hER | toxcast:ESR1 | | <> | "ATG_ERE_CIS" | <> | toxcast:ATG_ERE_CIS | toxcast:ESR1 | | <> | "ATG_ERa_TRANS" | <> | toxcast:ATG_ERa_TRANS | toxcast:ESR1 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There is one assay NVS_NR_hER from Novascreen ToxCast assays and two (ATG_ERE_CIS,ATG_ERa_TRANS) from Attagene ToxCast assays.
The predefined SPARQL query looks like is as follows:
PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX rdf:<> PREFIX owl:<> PREFIX dc:<> PREFIX ot:<> PREFIX toxcast:<> select ?Feature ?title ?OpentoxDataset ?assay ?genename where { ?Feature rdf:type ot:Feature. {?Feature ot:hasSource ?OpentoxDataset}. {?Feature dc:title ?title}. {?Feature owl:sameAs ?assay}. {?assay toxcast:gene <>}. {?assay toxcast:hasProperty ?genename}. {?genename rdf:type toxcast:GENE_NAME}. }
Once we know which features are representing the Estrogen receptor related studies, the three columns can be collated with the ToxCast dataset and data retrieved in various formats.
curl -H "Accept:chemical/x-mdl-sdfile"[]=[]=[]= curl -H "Accept:text/n3"[]=[]=[]=
Collating with columns from dataset gives a new dataset.
Or it is also possible to retrieve the assay data for specific compound (e.g. Bisphenol A).